The future ofAPIs

The future ofAPIs

Compose all your data sources into a unified graph. Move faster without breaking things with proper governance and observability.

Federated data sources with Grafbase and GraphQLFederated data sources with Grafbase and GraphQLFederated data sources with Grafbase and GraphQLFederated data sources with Grafbase and GraphQL
Tripadvisor iconPSCU iconCruise Critic iconSQLI iconBiltmore iconTripadvisor iconPSCU iconCruise Critic iconSQLI iconBiltmore icon
GraphQL Federation
Federation enables developers to operate in a microservices architecture while exposing a unified graph.
The Grafbase platform is built from the ground up to provide modern tooling to build and deploy GraphQL APIs.
Deploy anywhere
Let us manage your GraphQL APIs so you can focus on your core business or self-host in your own infrastructure.
Advanced Security Features
Protect your API from malicious queries and attacks. Ensure that your data is safe and secure with advanced security features.

Unmatched performance

Grafbase is the most performant GraphQL Federation gateway on the market.


Evolve your schema with confidence

Schema Registry enables version control for your schema to evolve your graph over time.

A changelog showing the evolution of a GraphQL schemaA changelog showing the evolution of a GraphQL schema
A changelog showing the evolution of a GraphQL schemaA changelog showing the evolution of a GraphQL schema
grafbase publish my-org/my-graph --name my-subgraph --url --schema schema.graphql

Move fast without breaking things

Identify breaking changes to your GraphQL schema before they happen in production using composition, operation and lint checks.

A list of schema checks with pass/fail status number of errors detailed for each check.A list of schema checks with pass/fail status number of errors detailed for each check.
A list of schema checks with pass/fail status number of errors detailed for each check.A list of schema checks with pass/fail status number of errors detailed for each check.
grafbase check my-org/my-graph --name my-subgraph --schema schema.graphql

Gain insights into your graph

Built-in real-time analytics of GraphQL operations. Find bottlenecks and drill down into performance metrics.

A screen showing several charts and graphs that display real-time analytics over usage and performance.A screen showing several charts and graphs that display real-time analytics over usage and performance.
A screen showing several charts and graphs that display real-time analytics over usage and performance.A screen showing several charts and graphs that display real-time analytics over usage and performance.

Reduce latency and improve conversions

Delight your users, improve conversions and protect your backend from traffic spikes with Edge Caching.

Amazon found that every 100ms of latency cost them 1% in sales.
A broker could lose $4 million in revenues per millisecond if their electronic trading platform is 5 milliseconds behind the competition.
Google found an extra .5 seconds in search page generation time dropped traffic by 20%.

Developer-first workflow

Connect data sources, configure auth and caching with the Grafbase SDK.
Forget YAML files and clunky dashboards.


Connect your data sources with built-in connectors.


Make your regional data sources globally fast with edge caching.

Batteries included

Focus on shipping products instead of building infrastructure.

GraphQL Gateway

Fully managed GraphQL APIs.


Configure your favorite identity provider seamlessly.

Edge Caching

Reduce latency and improve conversions globally.


Collaborate on changes with instant preview branches.


Local development with zero configuration or dependencies.


Monitor performance and identify bottlenecks in real-time.

Go from idea to production in minutes

The Grafbase CLI is built by developers, for developers to be efficient and elegant.

Local development

The Grafbase CLI provides a zero config local development environment that mimics production.

Git-based workflow

Grafbase automatically creates previews for each Git branch in your repository. All commits to your branch will trigger a new deployment.

CI/CD built-in

Faster build times leads to faster delivery.

Works with your favorite stack

Grafbase integrates seamlessly with your existing stack, and with the tools you already know and love.

Join our community

Feel at home with our growing Grafbase community.

Simon Grimm@schlimmson

Tried @grafbase and was impressed how easy & fast it was to create your serverless GraphQL API + local instance 🔥

Rasmus Hjulskov@RasmusHjulskov

Current fantasy tech stack 🚀: - @nextjs - @tailwindcss - @typescript - @trpcio - @grafbase - @ClerkDev


As an engineer, I'm always on the lookout for tools that make my job easier and more efficient. @grafbase has quickly become a go-to for me in my #GraphQL development work. Its real-time query execution and intuitive schema management have saved me countless hours of debugging


Done playing with @Cloudflare Pages & Workers, for now. Now to learn some @grafbase and see how if it can play a role, because it is pretty nifty!

Bobby Blastbeats@tubbo

not sure if @grafbase is so good that it will actually obviate my entire job, or if it's good enough that i can use it at work without someone questioning my existence. either way, i am sold on the concept of "upload some SDL and query shit, stop worrying about the DB infra".


Damn, trying out the @grafbase beta & it's super slick! Feels like what @planetscaledata is doing for databases, @Grafbase is going for #GraphQL 🔥

Get Started

Build your API of the future now.