Personal Access Tokens

Personal Access Tokens

Users can now create Access Tokens. Access Tokens can be used to access your personal account, organization account, or both — learn more.

These tokens can be used with the CLI, Grafbase API, Raycast Extension, and more.

The types of tokens you can create are:

These tokens can only be used to manage your own account and projects.

These tokens can only be used for the selected organization and their projects. If you're a member of multiple organizations, you will see these in the list of scopes.

Full Access tokens can manage all account and project settings for your personal account, and any organizations you're a member of.

To create an Access Token, go to Account Settings > Access Tokens.

You'll want to give your token a Name and select the permitted Scope.

Once tokens have been created you will not be able to retrieve the value, so make sure to save this somewhere safe.

Do not share your Access Token with anyone else.

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