Model timestamps added

Chris NixonChris NixonJamie BartonJamie Barton
Model timestamps added

The Grafbase Database is deprecated. Use connectors to federate your existing data sources.

We just added two new system fieldscreatedAt and updatedAt!

Grafbase automatically manages the values for both of these fields where you have used the @model directive.

type Post @model { title: String! }

We can see from the examples below that the values for the createdAt and updatedAt fields are automatically managed for us.

mutation { postCreate(input: { title: "Hello Grafbase!" }) { post { id title createdAt } } }
mutation { postUpdate( by: { id: "post_01GF5N9QMPD33TP3G03X8G86WM" } input: { title: "Hello!" } ) { post { id createdAt updatedAt } } }
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  • Grafbase CLI 0.9.1 has been released to include all of the above, as well as some minor bug fixes.

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