Tracing Spans and Attributes

The Grafbase Gateway sends spans in certain points in the request execution. These spans are used to measure the time taken by the Gateway to execute a request and to provide insights into the request execution.

The following default attributes apply to all spans:

  • busy_ns: Time the span remained active in nanoseconds.
  • code.filepath: Code file path.
  • code.lineno: Line number in the code where this span originated.
  • code.namespace: Module name.
  • idle_ns: Time the span remained idle in nanoseconds.
  • Runtime thread ID.
  • Runtime thread name.

Span name: <VERB> <PATH>.

The root span monitors the complete request lifecycle. Additional spans descend from this root span.


  • grafbase.kind: The span kind, which is always http-request for the root span.
  • The name or names of the executed operation(s).
  • graphql.operations.type: The type or types of the executed operation(s).
  • graphql.response.errors.count: The number of errors in the response.
  • Distinct error codes in the response.
  • graphql.response.errors.count_by_code.counts: The number of errors for each distinct error code.
  • http.request.body.size: The size of the request body.
  • http.request.header.x-forwarded-for: The client IP address.
  • http.request.header.x-grafbase-client-name: The name of the client.
  • http.request.header.x-grafbase-client-version: The version of the client.
  • http.request.method: The HTTP method.
  • http.response.body.size: The size of the response body.
  • server.address: The server address.
  • url.path: The URL path.
  • user_agent.original: The user agent.

Span name: hook: on-gateway-request.

You'll only see this span if you define the on-gateway-request hook.

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.

Span name: authenticate.

You'll only see this span if you enable authentication.

Span name: rate limit.

You'll only see this span if you enable global rate limiting with Redis storage.

Span name: <OPERATION_NAME>.

Operation execution spans are created for each operation in the request.


  • grafbase.kind: The span kind, which is always graphql-operation for operation execution spans.
  • grafbase.operation.computed_name: The name of the operation. For named operations, this shows the operation name. For unnamed operations, this shows a name derived from the query.
  • graphql.operation.document: The normalized query that hides all possible data.
  • graphql.operation.type: The type of the operation: query, mutation or subscription.
  • graphql.response_data.is_present: Whether the response data is present.
  • graphql.response.errors.count_by_code: Distinct error codes in the response with their counts.

Span name: prepare operation.

This span plans the operation execution and operates as a child of the operation execution span.

Span name: hook: authorize-edge-pre-execution.

When edges use an @authorized directive with an arguments argument, the gateway shows this span under the operation execution span and repeats it on each accessed edge that has a matching directive. The span has two child spans:

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.

Span name: hook: authorize-node-pre-execution.

When nodes use an @authorized directive with an arguments argument, the gateway shows this span under the operation execution span and repeats it on each accessed node that has a matching directive. The span has two child spans:

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.

Span name: <SUBGRAPH_NAME>.

The gateway creates subgraph execution spans for each subgraph in the request. These spans become children of the operation execution span.


  • The name of the subgraph.
  • grafbase.kind: The span kind, which is always subgraph-graphql-request for subgraph execution spans.
  • graphql.operation.document: The subgraph receives this query. The system replaces all data with variables to prevent exposure of sensitive data.
  • graphql.operation.type: The type of the operation: query, mutation or subscription.
  • graphql.response_data.is_present: Whether the response data is present.

Span name: hook: on-subgraph-request.

This span appears when you define the on-subgraph-request hook and operates as a child of the subgraph execution span.

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.

Span name: rate limit.

This span appears when you enable rate limiting to the subgraph with Redis storage.


  • The name of the subgraph.

Span name: POST <PATH>.

This span tracks HTTP requests to the subgraph. When you enable retries and requests fail, the gateway creates multiple spans. All spans act as children of the subgraph execution span.


  • http.request.method: The HTTP method.
  • http.response.status_code: The HTTP status code.
  • server.address: The server address.
  • server.port: The server port.

Span name: hook: on-subgraph-response.

The gateway creates this span when you define the on-subgraph-response hook. This span acts as a child of the subgraph execution span.

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.

Span name: hook: on-operation-response.

The gateway creates this span when you define the on-subgraph-response hook. This span acts as a child of the operation execution span.

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.

Span name: hook: authorize-parent-edge-post-execution.

When edges use an @authorized directive with fields argument, the gateway shows this span under the root span and repeats it on each accessed edge that has a matching directive. The span has two child spans:

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.

Span name: hook: authorize-edge-node-post-execution.

When nodes use an @authorized directive with node argument, the gateway shows this span under the root span and repeats it on each accessed node that has a matching directive. The span has two child spans:

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.

Span name: hook: on-http-response.

The gateway creates this span when you define the on-http-response hook. This span acts as a child of the root span.

The span has two child spans:

  • get instance from the pool: Taking the instance from a pool.
  • call instance: Execution of the actual instance code.