Grafbase Dashboard

This reference documents the Kubernetes configuration options for the Grafbase Dashboard, which provides a web-based interface to manage your federated graph.

Kubernetes ReplicationController Docs


replicaCount: 1

Kubernetes Service Account Docs


serviceAccount: # Controls service account creation create: true # Annotations to add to the service account annotations: {} # Service account name. Uses default if not set name: ''

Kubernetes Service Types


service: # Either ClusterIP, NodePort, ExternalName, or LoadBalancer type: ClusterIP # Port to expose port: 8080 # Target port targetPort: 8080 # Name of the service name: http # The node port to use nodePort: 30081
ingress: # Enables ingress enabled: false # Ingress class className: 'nginx' hosts: # Hostnames and paths for the ingress - host: dashboard.local paths: - path: /* pathType: ImplementationSpecific backend: serviceName: dashboard servicePort: 8080

Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler


autoscaling: # Enables autoscaling enabled: true # Minimum number of replicas minReplicas: 1 # Maximum number of replicas maxReplicas: 2 # Target CPU utilization percentage targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50

Configuration values for the cluster configmap.

configmap: # Enable or disable the ConfigMap. Enabling will create a configmap with the given values and then mounted as env vars in the deployment. enabled: true # Cluster configmap to reference and mount its contents as environment variables. name: '' # Key-value pairs for configuration. values: # The port the service will expose. PORT: 8080 # The host of the Grafbase API. GRAFBASE_API_HOST: http://localhost:30080

Configuration values for the cluster secret.

secrets: # Enable or disable the Secret. Enabling will create a secret with the given values and then mounted as env vars in the deployment. enabled: true name: '' values: # The secret key for session encryption. Must be the same in the API, and in the telemetry sink. SESSION_ENCRYPTION_KEY: ASecretEncryptionKeyAtLeast32chars