Auth Rules

Auth rules are global and apply to all queries and mutations.

Grafbase supports the following strategies to control access to data:

  • Public — Allow public access to data
  • Signed-in user — Allow access to any signed-in user
  • Group-based — Allow access to users of a group

The rules below work with all the available auth providers.

You can configure public access to everything:

import { auth, config, graph } from '@grafbase/sdk' const g = graph.Standalone() export default config({ graph: g, auth: { rules: rules => { rules.public() }, }, })

You can configure signed-in access to data using a valid provider:

import { auth, config, graph } from '@grafbase/sdk' const g = graph.Standalone() const provider = auth.OpenIDConnect({ issuer: g.env('ISSUER_URL'), }) export default config({ graph: g, auth: { providers: [provider], rules: rules => { rules.private() }, }, })

You can configure group-based access to data based on the groups claim of a valid JWT:

import { auth, config, graph } from '@grafbase/sdk' const g = graph.Standalone() const provider = auth.OpenIDConnect({ issuer: g.env('ISSUER_URL'), }) export default config({ graph: g, auth: { providers: [provider], rules: rules => { rules.groups(['backend', 'admin']) }, }, })

The user only has access if the JWT claims contain one of the allowed groups. The following decoded JWT contains a valid groups value admin:

{ "exp": 1659646197, "groups": ["admin"], "iat": 1659559797, "iss": "", "nbf": 1659559792, "sub": "user_12345" }

You can optionally set groupsClaim for group-based auth to use a custom claim path.

Consider the following JWT provided by your issuer:

{ "header": { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "RS256" }, "payload": { "": { "x-grafbase-allowed-roles": ["editor", "user", "mod"] } // ... } }

Here the groups claim x-grafbase-allowed-roles is nested inside of This is declared using .. You can provide a groupsClaim path along with the provider:

import { auth, config, graph } from '@grafbase/sdk' const g = graph.Standalone() const provider = auth.OpenIDConnect({ issuer: g.env('ISSUER_URL'), groupsClaim: 'https://grafbase\\.com/jwt/claims.x-grafbase-allowed-roles', }) export default config({ graph: g, auth: { providers: [provider], rules: rules => { rules.groups(['backend', 'admin']) }, }, })

Any . used inside of URLs will need to be escaped for the groupsClaim value.

You can configure rules globally for everything in your project:

import { auth, config, graph } from '@grafbase/sdk' const g = graph.Standalone() const provider = auth.OpenIDConnect({ issuer: g.env('ISSUER_URL'), }) export default config({ graph: g, auth: { providers: [provider], rules: rules => { rules.private() }, }, })
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