Grafbase is now in Public Beta

Grafbase is now in Public Beta!

Since launching the Private Beta in July 2022, we've had thousands of early adopters join our growing community to help shape and improve the Grafbase platform.

To celebrate the Public Beta we launched 7 new features during our first Launch Week:

Grafbase is now in Public Beta!

Building applications today involves fetching data from many different sources. Data is stored in different systems and is accessed through a wide variety of interfaces and protocols.

Developers spend countless hours integrating and configuring SDKs to gain access to data their applications need. If you're lucky the service you are integrating has great documentation and SDKs in the language you are working with. However, this is not the case for many APIs today.

During the past 15 years, the rise of HTTP-based APIs has vastly improved discoverability and commoditized access to data thanks to standardized protocols and specifications. The serverless era has pushed modern databases to offer Data APIs that enable HTTP based access. This is required to fetch data from the edge.

Imagine building an application where all your data needs are fulfilled by a unified endpoint with a consistent, typed schema.

{ organizations(first: 25) { edges { node { slug name stripeCustomer { name balance } auth0Members(first: 25) { edges { node { id name } } } } } } }

Grafbase dramatically simplifies and accelerates integration of data sources by providing a unified data layer at the edge.

The core feature of the Grafbase platform is the Edge Gateway, a programmable realtime GraphQL API deployed to the edge.

GraphQL was a natural choice for us when deciding how to build a unified data layer. GraphQL really shines when it comes to providing a language agnostic, typed, single endpoint that can query multiple data sources. Add to that the ability for clients to shape the data they need and only make a single HTTP request, it provides for a great developer experience building applications.

Building and deploying a GraphQL API that uses multiple data sources is easy with Grafbase. Simply declare which sources you need and deploy using our CLI or GitHub integration.

@openapi( name: "Stripe", schema: "") @openapi( name: "OpenAI", schema: "")

We currently support connecting OpenAPI schemas, but are working on GraphQL, REST, gRPC and many more. You can vote on the ones that matter to you on our public roadmap.

With the release of Resolvers you can now fully customize your GraphQL API using JavaScript or TypeScript.

Resolvers are Edge Functions that run in V8 isolates inside the Edge Gateway. V8 isolates enable a serverless operating model without cold starts and a security model that offers isolation of customer code.

import { Configuration, OpenAIApi } from 'openai' const configuration = new Configuration({ apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY, }) const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration) export default async function Resolver(_, { prompt }) { const response = await openai.createCompletion({ model: 'text-davinci-003', prompt: prompt, max_tokens: 7, temperature: 0, }) return response.choices || [] }

We are working on supporting resolvers written in language like C, C++, Rust, and more, that compile to WebAssembly later this year.

Every Grafbase project comes with a serverless database with full-text search seamlessly integrated to the GraphQL API. Gone are the days of provisioning databases, setting up search indexing or integrating your data model to your API.

Go from idea to production GraphQL API in minutes.

type Post @model @search { title: String! slug: String! @unique body: String }

Collaborating on changes to your backend in isolation is usually challenging and painful to setup. Grafbase offers instant preview branching of your whole backend.

Instant Preview Branches!

With our GitHub integration you get isolated preview branches with a GraphQL gateway and database that can be collaborated on before merging to deploy to production.

A good developer experience start with a local development environment that stays out of your way. The Grafbase CLI gives you a production like local development environment in seconds with zero configuration.

Starting a new project is as simple as running:

Zero Config Local Development!

Grafbase works with popular frameworks like Next.js, SvelteKit, Nuxt, Remix, Deno and more. Just point your GraphQL client to your Grafbase GraphQL endpoint and start shipping.

With the launch of Pathfinder you can enjoy a new way to explore your GraphQL API in local development as well as in the Grafbase dashboard.

The Grafbase CLI is written in Rust for blazing fast performance and is our first Open Source project available for contributions on GitHub.

We have been working closely with the community to provide a generous Hobby plan and paid plans that scale.

The pricing page shows details of each plan that we offer starting today.

We are planning on adding alerts and spend limits to ensure peace of mind and to avoid unexpected bills.

We want to thank the early adopters who have spent countless hours working with us to get the Grafbase platform where it is today. If you are new to Grafbase you can sign up for free and deploy a template to quickly get started.

We are just getting started, so please join our community and start building today.

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Build your API of the future now.